What Is a Torx Screwdriver?
Youfu tools is a screwdriver manufacturing factory in China with a history of more than 10 years. We know the size of various screwdrivers. I hope this article can help you.A Torx screwdriver has a head with a six-point star and is designed to work with Torx screws. The special shape makes Torx scre
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Precision Screwdriver Bit Sizes Guide with Charts
Screwdriver bit Sizes Guide with ChartsA full screwdriver set might seem like it has far more sizes than you will ever need, But do you know what size each one of them is?
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Commonly Used Torx Screwdriver Size Specifications Chart
The hexagonal Torx screwdriver model is divided by the distance (diameter) of the diagonal points of the Torx head measured with a vernier caliper.The diameter of T8 is 2.31mm.The diameter of T10 is 2.74mm.The diameter of T15 is 3.27mm.The diameter of T20 is 3.86mm.The diameter of T25 is 4.43mm.The
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